If you are looking for methods to enlarge your penis permanently then chances are you have come across many methods. Each one promises ridiculous gains in a matter of days, or minutes. The truth is that most of them are garbage. They are very well marketed products that more often than not will leave you disappointed and broke. True, permanent penis enlargement takes time. If you wanted to have bigger pecs, you would not expect that to happen with one gulp of this protein shake or that latest supplement? So why do men expect permanent penis size gains overnight?
The good news is that you can enlarge your penis permanently. You can even do it naturally, without fear of side effects. The only issue is that it takes time and commitment on your part. There are no miracle solutions?
If you are still reading it means that you are committed to enlarging your penis and that you have reasonable expectations. I probably lost half the readers with the whole commitment and time spiel above. Anyways, here are the 2 methods that will deliver a longer and thicker penis, naturally and permanently:
1 Penis exercises: Since time untold, men have wanted to increase the size of their members. Since antiquity until today, many have relied on penis exercises to achieve their goals. Why have these exercises withstood the test of time? Because they work! Basically you perform a very specific set of exercises that promote blood flow to the membrane. This excess blood flow works to increase the size of said membrane. This is called the corpora cavernosa, and it is responsible for holding blood during erections. The more blood it can hold the longer and harder the erection. You have to perform these exercises daily (they only take about 10 minutes) for several weeks in order to start seeing results.
2 Penis stretchers: These are also known as penis extender devices. They are basically high quality, precision devices used to precisely exert a very controlled and targeted pull on your penis. This pull causes the body to react and adjust by multiplying cells in the membrane. Over time, this results in a naturally and permanently bigger manhood. The method of traction is used for many different reasons. Orthopedic surgeons use the traction method all the time. There are other examples of traction at work. We have all seen the ladies with extended necks on national geographic. The method works as well for penis enlargement.
Each one of the methods above has been shown to be very effective in penis enlargement. However, when used together the results are much faster and more significant. Using penis exercises and traction devices together will result in bigger and faster gains.
Penile Enlongation
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