In this article we are going to take another look at some of the often overlooked factors that make your penis look smaller. With so much being written about how to ENLARGE your anatomy online, there is surprisingly VERY little about the number of ways you can actually "self-sabotage" a reasonably sized penis, into one that APPEARS smaller than it really is. So let's take a look below at the 2 most common ones, and you'll see how quickly and easily it is to remedy them once you do! Read on..:-)
Filed Under: Good Grooming is Essential
The days of poor grooming habits for men are WELL behind us. If you are one of those guys who simply refuses to take care of yourself, you are most likely going to pay by way of having an anatomy that doesn't reflect it's true impressive size. Keeping your skin smooth, clean and hair shaved or groomed well is a very easy way to look LARGER than you really are. Conversely, of course, a poorly groomed man looks smaller, and simply LESS impressive accordingly. This is clearly an easy fix, and one that you can usually do for FREE..:-)
Filed Under: Get Rid of That Gut!
Fat in the abdomen, midsection and pelvis is one of the easiest ways you can make your penis look smaller than it is. Fat, by it's very nature, obscures everything in it's surrounding path, and this is NO different for your private spots..:-) Simply stated, one of the easiest "tune ups" that you can do for spring or summer from an anatomical aesthetic perspective is to drop a few pounds, and tone UP your midsection and lower abs to a flatter and more pronounced looking torso and manhood.
Elarge Your Penis
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