How do you make your penis bigger? There are about a million and a half wrong ways, and a few right ways. For a beginner, all the information can be pretty overwhelming, especially with all the idiot snake oil salesmen out there trying to push the latest pill, potion, or gadget on you.
While I'm thinking about it, I might as well tell you the most important "secret" regarding penis enlargement: if it's something you ingest orally or rub or strap on your penis, it ain't gonna make it any bigger. Someone's trying to rip you off.
There are several legitimate ways to add inches to your penis, but they all involve precise natural methods, not "miracle pills" or dangerous gadgets.
Here are some more frequently asked questions about making your penis bigger:
How many inches can I put on my penis using an enlargement routine?
Anyone should be able to add a solid inch, and the luckiest can add up to four. Where you fall in that range is dependent on how well you follow the routine and how well your body naturally responds to it. The first variable is under your control but the second isn't.
What about male enhancement surgery? Isn't that an easy way to gain guaranteed inches?
It's an easy way to risk killing your sex life forever. It is extremely dangerous, and even if it goes well, the gains you'll get are no more than what you'll get using natural methods. My advice is don't even consider it.
Some say penis size matters a whole lot, and some say it doesn't. What is the truth?
The truth is that the answer to this question varies from woman to woman. Most will tell you that you don't have to be hung like Tommy Lee to be a good lover. However, most will also tell you that an above average size definitely isn't a bad thing.
In my opinion, erection quality, or "hardness," is just as important as size. A woman's G-spot is located on the front inside wall of her vagina. A rigid penis has the best chance of giving this area maximum stimulation. The same natural routines that can be used to enlarge the penis also improve erection quality greatly!
In summation, your best bet if you want to improve the size, health, and rigidity of your penis is to study up on natural enlargement techniques and get started. Do this right after you throw away or delete any literature you have regarding pumps, pills, potions, or surgery!
What Causes Penis To Grow
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